Summer Days

There are now no homework assignments due, papers or reflections to write, or textbooks to pour over. I graduated over a month ago, but for nursing candidates degree completion means more studying. The dreaded NCLEX-RN exam that we have been hearing about for four years approaches. I did well on a few practice exams in school, so I wasn’t extremely worried until I started working through a study guide and realized I hadn’t looked at half of the topics for over a year. Frantic studying ensued.

But the exam date came, and I passed, and I have just enjoyed my first full week of holding an official RN license. I now enjoy a month until starting a new position as a pediatric (children’s) hospital nurse. In contrast to the stiff schedule I maintained while holding two jobs and a rigorous honors choir practice schedule, I’m enjoying a more relaxed nannying job for the meantime. And taking many long walks in the summer sun. (It’s the midwest. It won’t last forever.)

Home at Last

The tumultuous month following finals seems to be drawing to a close. The move is complete, wifi is installed, and most belongings are accounted for and restored to a partial state of organization. It seems that when change comes, it comes all at once, and not in stages that could be much more smoothly managed. I had envisioned the time after graduation as a calm restoring of balance post finals, but instead it has been a wild shuffle of getting things in order. But it seems to be nearly finished now. The in between dwelling filled with stacks of boxes is beginning to look like home.

Be Back Soon!

The lull in amount of posting  is due to the fact that I have been in the process of moving this month, and my new home does not have internet yet. I hope to have everything settled down soon so I can spend some time here again!

{phfr} – last week of school


This rosemary is the first potted plant I’ve been able to keep alive indoors longer than six weeks:


Me and my sister last week.

My neighborhood was up for the local free junk pickup, and I saw this table in a pile by the side of the road. I instantly ran over to inspect: it was in definite need of some TLC, but was solid wood and nothing was broken.

I immediately knew I wanted to salvage it, and quickly called my sister on the phone. “Maria, come help me get this table! It’s won’t fit in my car!”  She did, and now we both swear by dumpster diving. The two of us must have made a funny sight pushing the table into the back of the truck, where it just fit. I have no experience whatsoever refinishing furniture, but it appears I am going to learn.



No picture, but finally found a good place to live after graduation!


Again, no picture. Just use your imagination to envision the state of my desk and room through finals week.


Holy Thursday

Ubi caritas et amor, Deus ibi est.
Congregavit nos in unum Christi amor.
Exsultemus, et in ipso jucundemur.
Timeamus, et amemus Deum vivum.
Et ex corde diligamus nos sincero.

Where charity and love are, God is there.
Christ’s love has gathered us into one.
Let us rejoice and be pleased in Him.
Let us fear, and let us love the living God.
And may we love each other with a sincere heart.

(Gregorian hymn often sung during the washing of the feet.)