Joseph in his Cast

These pictures are a little late because when Dad was putting up extra security on my blog, he accidently put too much security up! At first I was not able to get into my blog at all, and then I couldn’t put pictures on my blog. That is why there is a flood of posts right now.

These are pictures from Joseph’s first cast, before he pulled it off. He pulled his second cast off also. Fortunately, that happened a few days before his his appointment to get the cast removed. He didn’t need to get a third cast. In these pictures, Joseph is holding Clover, and they are putting her inside duplo buildings.




Here he is demonstrating where his cast is.






Hey! Did you take my duplo piece?



Joseph’s Cast


I forgot to post that on Monday Joseph had fallen off of our swing set broken his wrist. Mom took him to the doctor on Wednesday and he came home with a blue cast. Now he has pulled it off of his arm. That little stinker.


Winter Fights with Spring


Winter and spring are having a fight, and for now winter is winning. Still, I have hopes that this is the last snow, as it is nearing the last frost date, May 1st.


Ballet Costumes for Grade 2


We tried on costumes for the ballet recitals today. They are SO lovely. Ms. Amy, our teacher, says they are the best costumes the ballet studio has, and I am quite ready to believe her. She says they pretty much are the most expensive costumes they have without going into the costumes with platter tutus. The dresses are blue and cream with gold embroidery. The skirt is long, and made to float, and that is what it does with every move you make.




I have only had Louie five days, and already he has done something better than Clover. He came to the door of his cage, all by himself, and stepped onto my hand. With Clover, you have to go and grab her inside of her cage. He is also asking for me by chirping when I am not in the room. His chirp is a delightful sound, so sweet sounding I don’t hesitate to come to him when he calls. I think he is going to turn into a great pet.


Grade 2 Exam Results


I took my grade 2 ballet exam on friday the 28th. I got a pass plus, a good score. These examiners were tough, and the could see minute details. One noticed that my toe curled up slightly. I wish they would have known that that is just the shape of my toe. I have even had my toes X-rayed to make sure that there was nothing wrong with my toes. They also asked some teacher questions to the grade one-two-ers. (A combination exam.) I improved from last year’s exam, so I am pretty happy with my score.


My Bird


I wanted a cockatiel. There was one at the humane society, but when Mom took me there it was already gone, So we went to the pet store. The first pet store was out, but the second pet store had several. I chose this one. In a few months I will now if it is male or female, because the pearl marks on the back will disappear if it’s a boy. (The pearl marks are the white/yellow spots.) Until then, I am going to say it’s a he. I named him Louie.








Louie is less timid than Clover, but he bites harder when he is scared. I got nipped pretty good when I tried to take him out of his cage for the first time. I had him out a lot last night, and he has calmed down quite a bit, and now he will stand on my shoulder and hand without biting me. At first I used a glove to handle him, but now I pretty much only use my gloves when taking him out of his cage.He hasn’t eaten anything yet, so I can’t feed him treats to calm him down. His wings aren’t clipped, so he can fly away if he wants to. I have only had him since Saturday, and I hope he will continue to adjust just as fast as he has been doing.


Joseph, AKA Moses


Our family really likes the movie The Prince of Egypt, a movie about Moses. Dad just recently made it so that we could watch VCR’s, so Johnathan just saw it for the first time (that he can remember) a couple months ago. When he saw it, he really liked it. As amazing as the stories of superheroes and such are, the stories in the bible are even more amazing, and even more awesome because they are true. Johnathan, having never seen the movie before, was amazed at all the miracles, from the staff turning into a snake to the amazing climax of the parting of the red sea. Anyway, this morning, Alex, Joseph, and I were playing together. I put pillows in a laundry basket, and then was going to put alexander into it. Instead, I tried to put Joseph into it, expecting him to climb out. When he didn’t climb out, I asked Alexander to help me push him to ‘the river’. Then I got Mom, who picked him up and carried him upstairs. We were all singing the song Moses’s mother sang when she set him afloat in the basket. ‘Hush now, my baby. Be still now, don’t cry. Sleep as you’re rocked by the stream. Sleep and remember, my last lullaby. River, oh river, flow gently for me. Such precious cargo you bear.’ Joseph had a funny look on his face, but he stayed in the basket for quite a while. Then he lifted up his arms up to Mom as if to say, “OK, I’m done. Get me out of here.”



