My Bird


I wanted a cockatiel. There was one at the humane society, but when Mom took me there it was already gone, So we went to the pet store. The first pet store was out, but the second pet store had several. I chose this one. In a few months I will now if it is male or female, because the pearl marks on the back will disappear if it’s a boy. (The pearl marks are the white/yellow spots.) Until then, I am going to say it’s a he. I named him Louie.








Louie is less timid than Clover, but he bites harder when he is scared. I got nipped pretty good when I tried to take him out of his cage for the first time. I had him out a lot last night, and he has calmed down quite a bit, and now he will stand on my shoulder and hand without biting me. At first I used a glove to handle him, but now I pretty much only use my gloves when taking him out of his cage.He hasn’t eaten anything yet, so I can’t feed him treats to calm him down. His wings aren’t clipped, so he can fly away if he wants to. I have only had him since Saturday, and I hope he will continue to adjust just as fast as he has been doing.


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