Ash Wednesday Supper
I tried making pretzels for our Ash Wednesday supper a few years ago, which turned out to be a total flop. This year I abandoned the idea and made some oatcakes instead, and we ate them with butter and cheese. Well, most of us ate them that way, Dad had his with peanut butter, and he liked them.
Mom: Joseph, did you open these marshmallows?
Joseph: No. Maria did it.
Mom: How did you do it?
Joseph: With a pencil.
“Let Them Eat Cake!”
Sunday night after supper, the slowest eater of the family (Joseph) was eating his dessert: a tasty red velvet cake. I was minding my own business cleaning the kitchen countertops. Landon asked me if I had given Joseph some food for the fish, and I replied that I hadn’t. I turn around and look at Joseph, and he’s leaning over the fish, dropping something in the bowl.
“What on earth are you doing Joseph?” I yell, running over to him and preventing him from dropping anything else.
“I was giving them their cake,” Joseph answered innocently.
P.S. The fish wasn’t harmed, he spit out the cake at the bottom of his tank. : )
St. Valentine’s Day Candy
After eating almost every piece out of his small, heart shaped box of chocolate, Joseph put the candy up high, declaring his intentions to “save the rest for tomorrow,” and ran downstairs to play video games. Not five minutes later, he was upstairs again, begging for “Just one more piece!” before he really put the rest away.
Again, Not Quite, Johnathan
Monday night our family watched the movie The Night at the Museum, which is about a night guard in a museum were all the exhibits come to life after dark. In it, Abraham Lincoln commented that, “It was a promising future.” Johnathan perked up at this, and said proudly, “I know why Abraham said it was a promising future: it was because God promised him that he would have more children than there were stars.”
Not Quite, Johnathan
John Paul: Mom! Mom! The baby is climbing up the stairs!”
We run to look in disbelief, and find that Daniel only has one hand on the bottom stair. He notices us watching him and innocently shines one of his adorable smiles at us, as if to reassure us that he is much to little to even be thinking of climbing stairs. We shake our heads and laugh at Johnathan’s large exaggeration.
Daniel’s Feats
Daniel has hit many milestones in the past weeks. Two weeks ago he waved for the first time, and soon after he began clap his hands when you say patty-cake. Two days ago he began to crawl, and yesterday he popped a tooth. His biggest achievement, however, was when he was holding onto the edge of the bathtub and pulled himself up to a standing position all by himself! UH-OH!!!