Hot Chocolate


I was sitting at a little table outside with Landon, John, Alexander, and Joseph drinking hot chocolate. Before we drank any, we all howled at the full moon that was just rising, even Joseph. I had to help him drink his. He was sure it was going to be too hot, even when I had tested it to be sure it wasn’t. He flinched when he took a drink, yet he really wanted to. He kept coming back for more.
I think I have finally gotten the recipe just about right. It took quite a while. The biggest thing was that for three years I have been adding cinnamon to hot chocolate. When I do, I have to stir it a lot because the cinamon separates itself from the mixture. I have just realized that cinnamon adds a gritty texture and a bad taste to hot chocolate. What I confused with a missing ingredient was really one ingredient to many. I want to put the recipe here, but Landon thinks it should be secret, so I will leave a couple ingredients out for now. Maybe I will put them on later.

1/2 cup boiling water
2 T butter
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1 cup white sugar
1 pinch of salt
5-1/4 cups milk (Whole if you want a scrumptiously creamy treat.)
1 T vanilla extract
3/4 cup half-and-half cream (Only if you don’t use whole or two percent milk.)

Bring water and butter to boil in a saucepan. Combine the cocoa, sugar and pinch of salt. Bring this mixture to an easy boil while you stir. Simmer and stir for about 2 minutes. Watch that it doesn’t scorch. Stir in 3 1/2 cups of milk and heat until very hot, but not boiling. Remove from heat and add vanilla. Divide between 6 mugs. Add the cream to the mugs of cocoa to cool it to drinking temperature. (optional)


Last Minute Plans


With only two hours notice, the whole family packed our bags and were off to our grandparents farm. Dad wanted to help Grandpa in his harvest, so we bought a tent from the store and left town. Mom and Dad were going to stay in a hotel, and we were going to sleep outside. It was a fun trip, and every one except Joseph got to ride in the HUGE combine and the tractor! Alexander really liked riding with Dad and seeing the ‘kim-bine’. Our trip to the farm was a lot of fun.


Alexander and the Worm


When  Mom and I were planting flowers, Mom found a huge worm.  Knowing how Alex loves worms from previous planting experiences, Mom called him to her and gave him the worm.  Alex loved it, and every once in a while we would hear things like: ‘worm so happy’, ‘me p(l)way with worm’.  Soon it was time to go in. “Let the worm go home now Alex.” Said Mom. “No worm go home.” Responded Alex.  Mom allowed Alex to play with the worm a little longer.   Just before it was time to go in, Alex came up to Mom and asked “Me eat worm?”

‘Hot Noke’ and ‘Cold Noke’


‘Noke’ is how Alexander says milk. In our house we have a capuchino machine. Mom and I like to have capuchino and whenever Alexander sees us having one, he demands ‘hot noke’.  He likes it just as strong and with almost as little sugar as Mom and I.

Often when I set down my capuchino, the next time I try to take a drink there is nothing in my glass! Looking around the scene of the theft I usually see Alexander, who looks at me with no guilt at all and says: “Hot noke nummy (yummy) Ya! (Sarah)

When Alex wants a drink of milk he says “You (get) me cold noke. No hot noke. Cold noke.”


Snake Day


It was a very nice day today, and Alexander and I were going for a walk in a few acres of land behind our house (my family refers to it as ‘the field,’) when suddenly a place where I was about to step came alive! It was a harmless Garter Snake and I immediately thought ‘Alexander will love this’ I picked up the snake and called Alexander over to me. He said “(s)Nake? Me hold nake?” I helped him hold the snake and after a while of peting the snake I let it go. Alexander got a kick out of following the snake until it went down its hole. “Bye nake.” Soon afterward we found another snake. This one was to fiesty to pick up, so we only followed it until it too went down the hole. After that Alexander was calling out: “Nake! (where) Are You? Nake! come (to) me” and making me look for more snakes. Later on I did find more, but he was asleep in the house.

This is not the first time I have played with Garter Snakes. When I was little, on my Grandparents farm, I would beg snakes from their dog, Pepper, who had caught them.

When we found snakes, we would always play we were the crocodile hunter saying things like “Crikey, she’s a fiesty one,” “you’re all right mate,” and other Australian sayings.

And every summer we have to rescue snakes and other small animals from our window wells.


My Boy Turns Three

Alexander is very amusing to watch today. If I say “Happy birthday Alex” he may say “Me? Happy?” or he might say “Happy day! Happy day!”as  he is currently running around the house yelling. If you tell him that he is three today he replies “Me? Three? Oh!”

Alexander also realized that there will be cake later on, so since yesterday he has been asking everyone “Where cake? Cake now.”

Before I get to the party pictures, here are some pre-celebration pictures.

Crazy Sarah

We had a fast paced day today, and when we are running around place to place things get a little bit crazy.

Joseph in to the Toilet Paper

 Again? That makes three rolls this week!


After play comes my medicine.

Here come the party pictures.

Pointing at the Cake

This what cake looks like after Alexander is done (if you can’t tell there is no frosting on the cake.)

No Frosting

Alexander, Maya, and I


Today Alexander and I were outside, and we were playing with a three-year-old neighbor girl named Maya. Since she has no sisters of her own, she suddenly decided I was her older sister. When she told her dad “This is my sister,” Alexander became possesive and declared very loud and firm: “No, mine!”


Our 911 Episode

It was a gorgeous Saturday afternoon. Maria was teasing Landon with the phone. “I am going to dial 911, Landon. I am going to call the police.” Landon grabbed the phone from her, and someway or another the button to call was pushed, then the button to hang up.

Ring-a-ling-a-ling! My dad answered. “Hello… No it must have been one of the kids… That’s fine… OK, sorry about that… Bye.” Turning around to Landon and I he said, “That was the police! They’re coming over here to make sure we are all right.”

When the Police car finally pulled up, Maria was nowhere to be seen. The policeman who came to the doors name was Officer Bill. “So, who was on the phone?” he asked promptly. “I think she is hiding.” my Dad replied. “I will go down and try to dig her out.” Dad did not succeed in getting her out. So Of. Bill came downstairs to Maria, who was crying hysterically. Despite all persuasions, Maria would not come out from the covers of her bed. Eventually we returned upstairs, where Of. Bill gave John Paul, whom the officer had named “his buddy,” stickers for himself, Alex (who was at the docter,) and Maria.

Five minutes after Of. Bill departed, Landon and John Paul were patroling the basement with belts on, toy guns in their belts, and their junior officer stickers on their shirts, pretending to be policemen.

This is the true account of our 911 episode.

Happy St Valentines Day

St Valentine
My Valentines Day was spent holding Joseph, (who is sick, and running an almost 102 temp) and wiping Alexanders nose (you may have already guessed that he is sick also, with the same temp.) There was a party today, but because of obvious reasons we had to stay home. The last five days we have done little or no school (we homeschool) and have spent most of the time watching the sick ones. So much for having a good full week of school. Happy Saint Valentines Day!


 Alex will be 3 April 4th, his favorite song/book is Baby Beluga, and he enjoys sucking his 3rd and 4th fingers, picking the folds in his clothing, (or my folds, if I am wearing a dress,) trains, ‘taking care of’ Joseph, ‘helping’ and giving kisses.

It gives me great pleasure and amusement watching Alex and Joseph playing together. Alex will come up to the crib after Josephs nap and says ” Hu-wo (hello), ba-by” in a soft, drawn out voice. If Joseph touches Alex, Alex says with great delight “Mama(or name of person nearest to him,) (pointing) baby!” If Joseph sticks his hand in his mouth Alex says “Mama (or name of person nearest to him,) (sticking his own hand in his own mouth and pointing to Joseph)”

Alex and Joseph are my own boys and I love them.

Alexander and Joseph

