

I have only had Louie five days, and already he has done something better than Clover. He came to the door of his cage, all by himself, and stepped onto my hand. With Clover, you have to go and grab her inside of her cage. He is also asking for me by chirping when I am not in the room. His chirp is a delightful sound, so sweet sounding I don’t hesitate to come to him when he calls. I think he is going to turn into a great pet.


Grade 2 Exam Results


I took my grade 2 ballet exam on friday the 28th. I got a pass plus, a good score. These examiners were tough, and the could see minute details. One noticed that my toe curled up slightly. I wish they would have known that that is just the shape of my toe. I have even had my toes X-rayed to make sure that there was nothing wrong with my toes. They also asked some teacher questions to the grade one-two-ers. (A combination exam.) I improved from last year’s exam, so I am pretty happy with my score.


My Bird


I wanted a cockatiel. There was one at the humane society, but when Mom took me there it was already gone, So we went to the pet store. The first pet store was out, but the second pet store had several. I chose this one. In a few months I will now if it is male or female, because the pearl marks on the back will disappear if it’s a boy. (The pearl marks are the white/yellow spots.) Until then, I am going to say it’s a he. I named him Louie.








Louie is less timid than Clover, but he bites harder when he is scared. I got nipped pretty good when I tried to take him out of his cage for the first time. I had him out a lot last night, and he has calmed down quite a bit, and now he will stand on my shoulder and hand without biting me. At first I used a glove to handle him, but now I pretty much only use my gloves when taking him out of his cage.He hasn’t eaten anything yet, so I can’t feed him treats to calm him down. His wings aren’t clipped, so he can fly away if he wants to. I have only had him since Saturday, and I hope he will continue to adjust just as fast as he has been doing.


Joseph, AKA Moses


Our family really likes the movie The Prince of Egypt, a movie about Moses. Dad just recently made it so that we could watch VCR’s, so Johnathan just saw it for the first time (that he can remember) a couple months ago. When he saw it, he really liked it. As amazing as the stories of superheroes and such are, the stories in the bible are even more amazing, and even more awesome because they are true. Johnathan, having never seen the movie before, was amazed at all the miracles, from the staff turning into a snake to the amazing climax of the parting of the red sea. Anyway, this morning, Alex, Joseph, and I were playing together. I put pillows in a laundry basket, and then was going to put alexander into it. Instead, I tried to put Joseph into it, expecting him to climb out. When he didn’t climb out, I asked Alexander to help me push him to ‘the river’. Then I got Mom, who picked him up and carried him upstairs. We were all singing the song Moses’s mother sang when she set him afloat in the basket. ‘Hush now, my baby. Be still now, don’t cry. Sleep as you’re rocked by the stream. Sleep and remember, my last lullaby. River, oh river, flow gently for me. Such precious cargo you bear.’ Joseph had a funny look on his face, but he stayed in the basket for quite a while. Then he lifted up his arms up to Mom as if to say, “OK, I’m done. Get me out of here.”






My Cake


Mom had to go shopping, Joseph was asleep, Landon was in the bathtub, and the other kids were outside. I was all alone. On the spur of the moment, I decided to bake a cake. I went onto the internet, got a recipe, checked whether we had all the ingredients, and set to work. We had just enough cocoa powder for a chocolate cake. I set to work. When the kids came inside, Johnathan commented, “I smell hot chocolate.” Then he put on the face that to him says, ‘You’re hiding something, and I know what it is.’ “Did you make hot chocolate?” He asked. “You have a goofy nose.” I giggled. “Being in the cold must have made your nose smell things.” With a little more persuasion, I got them to go downstairs, and I finished baking the cake. When Mom came home, she declared, “Something smells good.” I then presented the cake to her. That night everyone had some. Everyone, including Dad, thought it was excellent, even without frosting! It is the first good homemade cake I have ever made, and it won’t be my last.




Not so Bare


Landon had just finished playing with Dad’s air compressor. He had done something to release the pressure for a moment, and it had made a loud sound of air rushing out. Maria and John were getting their pajamas on, and I had just finished putting Joseph’s on. I was talking to Mom about how little things I have had to blog about recently, how funny and talkative my friends baby brother (who happens to be a couple months younger than Joseph) is. “Mom,” I said “I don’t have anything to blog about. My blog is very bare. Alexander used to keep me well supplied with funny things, but now he is going to turn four and doesn’t say so much innocently hilarious stuff anymore. Joseph can’t talk yet very well, so he can’t say funny things. (To Joseph) Joseph, why can’t you talk more like John?” (My friend’s baby brother’s name) I just continued on doing what I was doing, when a few minutes later the air compressor suddenly started going again. Joseph was fleeing from it in pure terror, screaming, “Mom! Mom! Mo-o-o-o-om!” All the way from the air compressor to Mom’s arms, with the air compressor going loudly. We got the air compressor stopped up, and Joseph wasn’t yet recovered from the scare. Mom said, “Who says he doesn’t do funny stuff? That was right on cue.” I replied, “I’m of to my blog!” I was thinking, ‘My blog isn’t so bare now.’


Ballet at the End of March


In my pre-pointe ballet class today, we started our learning a dance for the ballet recital in May. The music we are going to dance to is really beautiful. We haven’t gotten far into our dance yet, so I am waiting to see whether the dance is nice.

This week, I am taking a lot of extra grade two classes because on Friday I have an exam. A couple of older ballerinas, one of whom used to be a professional dancer, will watch me go through the exercises and write down corrections they have for me. These examiners are supposed to be really tough, so wish me luck on Friday.


Happy Easter!


‘This is the day the Lord has made!’ Well, he made it chilly, cold, muddy, and wintery. I have been packing people’s snow pants, hats, and mittens into the car for our Easter egg hunt at my Grandparents-on-Dad’s-side’s house after mass today.

Happy Easter to you!