

Sammy is a golden retriever that belongs to our friends. We are watching her for a week. She is a very calm, well behaved dog. We watched her once before, early in the year. Last time Sammy came over, Joseph was intimidated by her for a few days. He wouldn’t let Mom put him down at all, and even when Mom was holding him he pulled his feet up to his chest so the dog couldn’t touch him. This time his shyness wore off in the first couple hours we had her. Of course, I don’t blame him for being frightened. Sammy is as big as he is!

Belated Pictures


Everything has been pretty dull around here for the past few days. Aside from watching our friends dog, (post about that soon), the first mow of the season, last ballet classes of the season, and making meals for a few families we know that just had a baby, nothing has been happening. Just wait a few days, then I will have drama camp and dance recitals to post about. So, I was looking at pictures I have from a long time ago, and I found these from Dad’s Birthday on May second.

I made this fancy three layer coca-cola cake and frosting myself.







Picture Day


These are pictures of me in my costume for the spring dance recital this year. I do have another costume but those pictures were professionally taken and I won’t get them until the end of May.





You would think that after three years of ballet I would have learned to straighten my arm a little!

These are our tap dance costumes:


Landon’s ballet costume.

This was a dark hallway.

This is the same picture, except I tinkered with it on my computer.


Birding Victories


Our family has seen two uncommon birds in the past few weeks. The first was the yellow-bellied sapsucker, a type of woodpecker that is around our region only during migration. The second we saw this morning. Actually there were three of these birds, and they stuck around all day. Dad was the first to see them sitting on our backyard fence. They were orange and black, and Mom wondered if it was an oriole. I checked the internet to see if they were orioles. The internet confirmed the fact. It also said that South Dakota was in the summer territory of these lovely birds. I was elated. Orioles were on the top of my ‘birds I want to see’ list. I hope they stay all summer and build their nest here.


The Essence of Spring


This is what spring is all about. Flowers, buds, leaves, and life. It’s beautiful.

These just opened Saturday and they are already fading and falling apart. How fast tulips pass!

These red lilies remind me of pineapples.

These are strawberry leaves.

Buds of my favorite spring flower, columbine. These last for more than a month, unlike tulips. I have had a few trailing blooms on the Fourth of July!

New leaves on the maple tree.

I have waited all winter for these creamy double daffodils to bloom for the first time. Daffodils are my birth flower.

This is not the best picture, but I wanted to share the lovely pink color on the inside of these tulips. I never realized how lovely they would be when I planted them. I think these are the best tulips I have ever planted.

A better picture, if you ignore my shadow.






My bleeding heart looks like it will have a good year. Though it is not very tall yet, the bush is very compact and, well, bushy.


Pictures of My Cute Birdie


It is starting to look like my bird is going to be a girl. I have the name Penelope picked out for it’s girl name. I have learned some things about Penelope/Louie. She/he is much more receptive to new foods if it is chopped up into small bits and strewed across the table. He also likes to eat off of peoples plates. He has eaten popcorn, mashed potatoes, lettuce, kale, nuts, and a lot of other things. He likes to be rubbed on the back of his head, will tolerate petting on his back, but if you pet him on his chest when he isn’t in an amiable mood, you risk getting nipped. He likes playing with toys outside of his cage, but inside his cage, he ignores them. If he is up to late, he gets grumpy, and doesn’t tolerate petting very well. He also will bend his head down, asking to be petted on his head. I can put a bird leash on him and take him outside pretty easily, and he nibbles at the leash and doesn’t bite me. He isn’t fond of baths yet, but he will take them if I put him in the water. Overall, I am really enjoying him.











Not How I Planned on Spending the Evening


May 1st was Ascension Thursday, so there was going to be a Mass at the Cathedral. It was sort of rainy and a little windy, but the last thing I expected was stormy weather. Landon was going to be an altar server, so he had to be at the church early. Because of this, Mom left to take him to the Cathedral as the rest of us were finishing supper. My job was to get the little ones cleaned up, and find their shoes and coats and put them on. In other words, they had to be ready to go to mass before Mom got back.
Shortly after Mom left, it started to pour. Torrents of rain fell down from the sky. A few minutes later, it stopped, instantly and completely. Thunder and lightening began to rumble and flash. Alexander was nervous and began to complain about ‘dee funder.’ Maria moaned, “I wish that there wasn’t going to be this really bad storm on the way to Mass.” I responded, “Oh Maria, This isn’t a bad storm. Really bad storms have big winds and hail and tornadoes. This is just a little shower that will help the plants grow.” “I know.” Maria whined, not convinced.
Mom would be home at any minute so I had to hurry I made sure everyone’s shoes were on, their coats found, and done with last-minute drinks and bathroom breaks. In no time, Mom had pulled up and everyone ran out to the car. I ran out last, only to turn around and run inside for Alex, who had had panicked halfway to the car and ran back into the house. I couldn’t convince him to walk with me to the car, so I picked him up and ran to the car, and we were on our way.
Halfway to Mass, my heart leaped as the tornado sirens began to wail. I bean to pray Hail Mary’s with Maria and Johnathan while Mom turned on the radio. We heard that the tornado was close to Harrisburg, a small town not far from Sioux Falls. It didn’t make me feel better that we were on the side of Sioux Falls closest to Harrisburg. Mom kept driving, but I half wondered if we should pull over, find a ditch, and lay down. It was a small comfort that we weren’t the only ones on the road at the time, and the cars next to us weren’t turning around and driving away at top speed.
After a few minutes, we reached the church. Mom called Dad on her cell phone, and he told her that Mass had been canceled and everyone was in the church basement. Mom told us to go inside and go to the basement, so I grabbed Alexander and ran to the door. Maria and Johnathan followed me. Maria was carrying Joseph, who was much to big for her to hold. When I got to the door, it was locked. That was not fun. It was raining, there was a tornado somewhere around, I was hearing a vacuum cleaner-like noise, (now I think it was the sound of a train or another siren being distorted by the wind,) and the door was locked. Mom caught up with us. When I told her the door was locked, she called Dad on the phone to ask him to come up and unlock the door from the inside. She couldn’t get a hold of him, so we ran to another door. Thank goodness it wasn’t locked.
We went down to the basement and saw Dad and all the other people that had come for Mass. My friend Isabel was there, and so we got to talk together. It was a lot harder to be scared in the basement of the cathedral than in the car. There was a little hail, but it didn’t last long. I hoped that it hadn’t hurt my tulips that were about to bloom at home. After a while, the storm passed and we went home. I was happy that the tornado sirens hadn’t gone off when I was at home alone with the kids.


Joseph in his Cast

These pictures are a little late because when Dad was putting up extra security on my blog, he accidently put too much security up! At first I was not able to get into my blog at all, and then I couldn’t put pictures on my blog. That is why there is a flood of posts right now.

These are pictures from Joseph’s first cast, before he pulled it off. He pulled his second cast off also. Fortunately, that happened a few days before his his appointment to get the cast removed. He didn’t need to get a third cast. In these pictures, Joseph is holding Clover, and they are putting her inside duplo buildings.




Here he is demonstrating where his cast is.






Hey! Did you take my duplo piece?



Joseph’s Cast


I forgot to post that on Monday Joseph had fallen off of our swing set broken his wrist. Mom took him to the doctor on Wednesday and he came home with a blue cast. Now he has pulled it off of his arm. That little stinker.


Winter Fights with Spring


Winter and spring are having a fight, and for now winter is winning. Still, I have hopes that this is the last snow, as it is nearing the last frost date, May 1st.


Ballet Costumes for Grade 2


We tried on costumes for the ballet recitals today. They are SO lovely. Ms. Amy, our teacher, says they are the best costumes the ballet studio has, and I am quite ready to believe her. She says they pretty much are the most expensive costumes they have without going into the costumes with platter tutus. The dresses are blue and cream with gold embroidery. The skirt is long, and made to float, and that is what it does with every move you make.