Kid Talk


Maria-“What happened to the crib? The mattress is higher.”

John- “It has an adjustable waist!”


Joseph- (singing to no particular tune) “What’s your name? What’s your name? What’s your name?”

Sarah- “What are you doing, Joseph?”

Joseph- “I’m singing ‘what’s your name?'”


Hide-and-Seek, or: How to Amuse Little Brothers Without Leaving a Comfortable Seat on the Couch


I was laying on the couch, exhausted by a day of babysitting my siblings, when Alex said to me, “Look, I’m hiding in my sleeping bag. Let’s play hide and seek.”

Joseph chimed, “Me pway to. you count.”

“Okay,”  I thought, “I can count and not leave this cozy couch.” So I called, “You go hide, and I’ll count to twenty.” I closed my eyes, and counted, “One, two, three, four, five . . .” I could hear Alex dive farther into his sleeping bag. “Six, seven, eight, nine, ten . . .” Joseph was wildly running around, looking for a spot to hide.

When I had almost reached twenty, he frantically screamed, “Not yet, not yet, I need to hide!” So I added on ten more seconds. At twenty-five, I heard him say, “O.K., I’m ready!” I continued counting.

“Twenty-nine, thirty! Ready or not, here I come!” I called. I spent a few minutes pretending to be looking around, and then I said, “Alexander, I see you in the sleeping bag.” Alexander emerged screaming with laughter. I turned my head around and saw Joseph laying in the stuffed animal box, on top of the stuffed animals that filled it nearly to the top. “I see you to Joseph.” I laughed.

Joseph giggled and jumped up out of the box and cried, “Wet’s pway again! You count again!”

“Okay.” I watched with amusement as Alexander jumped back into the sleeping bag, and then I began to count, but was interrupted by Joseph protesting, “No, wait. No, wait for me to get into ‘amal’ box.”

I nearly burst out laughing. It seems that neither Alexander or Joseph now the object of Hide and Seek.


“I’m Dead”


Recently I was walking through the house, when I saw Joseph laying on the ground. His eyes were closed and he looked so cute. I knelt down and began to tickle him. He started screaming, “Don’t, Don’t tickle meee! I’m dead!”


Winter Comes to Sioux Falls


Last night, the first snowfall covered everything in a thin layer of snow, transforming the appearance of the landscape. The reaction that John, Alexander, and Joseph have to the snow in the yard is amusing. For example, Joseph has been perpetually opening the front door to grab a handful of snow and look at and occasionally, eat. Also, when I went to get some frozen blueberries to eat earlier, I was discovered that John and Alex, who had been making snowballs galore, were also saving them inside the freezer.


Though I will come to hate winter later, for now I welcome the beauty of the snow. Just two and a half weeks ago, our yard was decorated by little flaming red trees, now it is dressed in white.





Now that it has snowed, I get to bring out one of my favorite pairs of earrings.




Alexander’s Cup


This is what the little children do when we put lids on their cups so they can’t spill.



What is the most funny about this leak is that it happened at a little chinese restaurant where we are notorious for spilling. Every time we go there someone spills some water.


Watchdog Joseph


Joseph, with his vocabulary overflowing with new words, has decided to fight crime in this household. His major target: me. Yesterday, I had an orthodontist appointment. Today, my teeth are extremely sore. I am only able to eat a little bit of watery soup or soft, mushy things like apple sauce. Naturally, with tiny meals, I am very hungry later on. Mom told me I could find something to eat. There was nothing in the inside refrigerator, so I went to check in the garage fridge. Joseph followed me out, and startled me by muttering some unintelligible sounds in a stern voice. His face looked angry. I asked, “Should I be inside?”
“Ya.” he stated. I went inside, and he followed close behind, shutting the garage door tight behind me.

Later, I had found something soft to eat: tapioca pudding. As I was making the pudding, I put a little sugar in it. I again heard Joseph’s voice. “No sugar.” he scolded. I put the lid on the sugar in surprise, preparing to put it away. Joseph opened the cupboard door for me, and then shut it. after I had placed the sugar inside with a suspicious look on his face and walked away. I hope he remembers his own rules when he is older.