This is what spring is all about. Flowers, buds, leaves, and life. It’s beautiful.
These just opened Saturday and they are already fading and falling apart. How fast tulips pass!
These red lilies remind me of pineapples.
These are strawberry leaves.
Buds of my favorite spring flower, columbine. These last for more than a month, unlike tulips. I have had a few trailing blooms on the Fourth of July!
New leaves on the maple tree.
I have waited all winter for these creamy double daffodils to bloom for the first time. Daffodils are my birth flower.
This is not the best picture, but I wanted to share the lovely pink color on the inside of these tulips. I never realized how lovely they would be when I planted them. I think these are the best tulips I have ever planted.
A better picture, if you ignore my shadow.
My bleeding heart looks like it will have a good year. Though it is not very tall yet, the bush is very compact and, well, bushy.