New Years Daybook

Outside My Window… frigid air coming in at -20 degrees below 0.

I am thinking…  very fuzzily, having just gotten off of three consecutive overnight shifts at the hospital.

I am thankful for… modern heating.

From the kitchen… Not much, as it has been a very busy week. I have been keeping a steady supply of fresh cranberry sauce on hand, as I found out last year how quick and easy it is to make. Cranberries are also full of vitamins and other healthy compounds.

One of my favorite things…  Lights glowing around the room. Christmas lights, an artificial candle, and small lamps bring some cozy warmth to the evening.

I am wearing…  sweaters and scarves. The heavy ones, which I just went hunting for at the back of my closet.


I am reading…  Some reflections from Mother Theresa from her private letters. A very interesting study of the meaning of Faith, and the differences in emotional and supernatural experiences.

Teresa of Avila spoke of God’s courting of the soul through many different methods. Sometimes, he does this through allowing His Grace to be near and felt, and the experience of joy is very pleasant to the senses. This felt prayer can be the only way we allow ourselves to approach our God in this world of constant pleasure and stimulation. Many of the saints have experienced an even deeper call from God when, after showing a soul the sweetness of His love, He withdraws this consolation. John of the Cross wrote that this pulls the creature to look past the earthly sensations and be aware of their complete and total need for God.

Mother Theresa wrote very honestly about this, and her words show the real meaning of complete faith, in good times and bad. A faith that illuminate not only the dark cities of India, but also the world as the nun gave witness to Christ before both the humblest dying on the streets and in the glow of the spotlights amidst world leaders.


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