The sun’s bedtime is retreating rapidly. Cicada symphonies perform in the dusky evenings, and every once in a while I spot a tree with bronzing tips. Still, August managed to catch me by surprise. (Although I’m not sure it feels like it is time for any month-except perhaps March and April.)
My desk and all my schoolbooks are now arranged, and I’ve started reviewing last year’s notes. The darker evenings are perfect for studies along with a cup of tea. For much of the summer I have been hoping the break would not end too soon, but now I am impatient to get started. Just this one last year stands between me and graduation, and I’m excited to get my footing in the nursing field.
The weather is beautiful, and some of the younger brothers and I have been taking advantage of it by moving story time outside. Joseph has discovered the magic of Edith Nesbit’s Five Children and It series, and Daniel loves Rudyard Kipling’s Just So Stories. Cooler evenings put me in a baking mood, so they have also been helping me taste test several new recipes. So far, carrot muffins have been the favorite.
Just catching up on your writings. Sarah you are such a beautiful writer. Grampa and I send our love to you as you prepare for your senior year. Best of luck!