March flew quickly past, as I kept very busy with schoolwork, vision therapy, and preparing for my grade 4 ballet exam. I’ve been working hard on my geometry, getting in an extra lesson a week on Saturday mornings to stay on track, since I’m a bit behind because of the problems my eyes have been causing me while reading. Fortunately, I just made a breakthrough in my vision therapy that I attend once a week, and it seems to be the beginning of the end of my eye pain.
Ballet exams for Maria and I took place at the end of March. I had to wait almost a week for my score, and I just found out tonight that I received a pass plus for my score.
The only other exciting thing to happen this March was my sixteenth birthday, which was made even more special by the robins arriving on that day for the second year in a row. My cake also turned out nicely, and it was six layers of white cake with raspberry frosting and jam in between the layers. It was delicious!
I can vouch for the tastiness of the cake!