It was cold and snow, so I made a cup of tea and Valentines. First I brewed the tea, and then I added Cream and Maria gave me a cube of sugar from the sugar bowl she got this Christmas from Grandpa and Grandma Frederes.
Then I gathered things that I might use and spread them out of my desk. I got a couple of curious investigators while I began to work. First I cut red rectangles with a tool for cutting paper straight. I then cut pink hearts and taped them on the red paper. Then I cut creamy white strips out, on which I wrote ‘Happy St. Valentines Day.’
Maria, I see the lovely picture of you with the sugar cube. It’s a very nice picture of you. Thank Sarah for posting it!
Nice pictures of your curious visitors. We are glad you are feeling better. The tea looks delicious! What did you sprinkle over the front of your pink heart on the valentine? What a nice creation.
Love, Grandma Frederes
I didn’t sprinkle anything on the heart, I just took a baaad picture. The pink is just the pink paper in the previous picture.