The largest watermelon, the black diamond, was not quite ripe yet when I was forced to pick it because of upcoming frost. Nevertheless, it was still pretty sweet, and it would have been delicious if we had a week or two more of summer. The striped crimson sweet were closer to being ripe, but as the plant put out two watermelons they were puny compared to the black diamond. The little pumpkin is extremely cute, and there are still three more left out in the garden almost ready to pick!
I picked corn in the beginning of august, and it didn’t do as well. The ears were not well kerneled, and very bland:
Some of it was downright disgusting!
On the very last day of June, our local nursery gave away a ton of seed packets to my brothers. I was doubtful whether any of the seedlings would be able to make fruit in the short time left, but we planted them in small pots anyway. We did get two zucchinis and some lettuce. There were also a lot of unripe bell peppers and tomatoes that were almost ready, but damaged by the frosty weather. Next year I will plant them in pots earlier, because I’ve discovered that using pots is the only way to prevent damage from those pesky ground squirrels.
Hi Sarah,
The mini pumpkin is very perfect & cute. Watermelon is difficult to grow in our climate.
Joseph’s expression says it all.