I got this bird feeder as a Christmas present from Mom and Dad. Even though Landon and I set it up immediately, all through the winter no birds came to it. But as soon as the weather turned spring-like, it became very popular quite suddenly. A combination of sparrows, grackles, and finches are on it almost all of the time, and often there are two or more perched on it. It has been very amusing to watch the birds’ quarrels over who eats first. Sometimes there is a line, with the larger birds on the feeder and smaller birds perched on the swing-set waiting for them to leave.
When I was taking this picture, a pair of cardinals flew into one of our trees. (The first cardinals ever in our yard!) They didn’t stop at the feeder, but I had the camera ready to take a picture:
Granddad says, ” I bet Sarah about jumped out the window when she saw those cardinals!”