Today, our family went to a class for some homeschoolers at our local butterfly house. It has been many years since I have been to the butterfly house, and I was looking forward to going there. No butterflies landed on me, but I didn’t care, because many posed nicely for my camera. Here are the pictures
Alexander is holding a butterfly chart in his hands. If you look closely, you will see that there is a butterfly on his right shoulder.
This is a White Kite butterfly that I found coming out of its chrysalis. In this first picture, it has just cracked the chrysalis skin.
Now it is a little farther out of its shell.
Finally, after a tremendous amount of squirming, the butterfly manages to escape its chrysalis. Its abdomen is filled with fluid that it will pump into its currently wet and crumpled wings. Then it will be prepared to soar!
This is a butterfly which has recently emerged from is chrysalis. He wants out of the glass box that holds the chrysalids.
This is a gorgeous Blue Morpho butterfly
This is an Owl Butterfly, which gets its name from the eye spots on the outside of its wing
This rude little butterfly is standing on an Owl Butterfly at the fruit dish.
Grandma Frederes
Hi, Sarah,
Granddad alerted me to your butterfly house visit. Many of these butterflies I have never seen before.
We enjoy keeping up to date on what you are doing.
Love, Ganddad & Grandma Frederes