Listening to… Rotating between silence, opera, and Mozart’s symphonies as I work through a stack of homework. I found a variety of music choices to study to in a large drawer of filled with classical music. There are benefits to nannying for a music professor.
Wearing… a warm favorite sweater! I almost put a stack of the heaviest winter wear away, but looking at the forecast for the week I realize that would have been a little premature.
Reading… textbooks and notes from the last two years of classes, working towards being prepared for the nursing board exam, the NCLEX test, in June.
Outside the window… snowflakes are falling gently. The area skirted projections of a snowstorm to receive a light dusting instead. Thankful on behalf of the safety of my fellow students who are traveling home for break this year.
Living liturgy… it is the second week of Lent already. With a late Easter this year, it seemed to be ample time between Christmas and Ash Wednesday, but it always catches me off guard how quickly the season itself flies by.
Thinking about… this is my final spring break. Then just a brief time to Easter break, and then the final push of the school year until graduation. Time moves quickly.