The table settings, with a hungry boy thinking that if he sits at the table supper will be done faster.

Pumpkin pie made a day ahead.

I made the main course and wanted to experiment a little with cornish hens.

The finished product. I made an orange glaze for on top of the hens, which received mixed reviews. Some of the family really didn’t like it, but I thought it was a nice change.

There was better feelings about this turkey I baked on Saturday after Thanksgiving. I brined it overnight and baked it breast down for 2/3 of the baking time, all the while babysitting it with a meat thermometer. It turned out to be the moistest turkey we had ever eaten!
The Cornish hens sure looked delicious on the plate. Moist, turkey, who could ask for more?
Way to go, Miss Cook.
Love, Grandma
Pumpkin pie looks very well done, too, no split in the filling!