A few weeks ago, Maria, Landon, and I had the privilege of going to a class were a woman gave a lesson in decorating pysanky. (pi-san-kee) Pysanky is a Ukrainian method of decorating eggs by dipping them in dye, covering the areas you want to be that color with wax, and then dipping it in another color and repeating the process. The finished result is gorgeous. Here are some photos of eggs not done by me to show you how elaborate these can become.
Now, for pictures of my egg. On our eggs, we did two different designs. On the first side, we did a design that was taught to us by the woman who was doing the class, and on the second side we did what ever we wanted. Here is the first side of my egg.
Grandma Frederes
You 3 were very fortunate to learn about the egg decorating.
You did a nice job on your egg.
Do you dip it for every color? The black is amazingly intense.