Pictures of My Cute Birdie


It is starting to look like my bird is going to be a girl. I have the name Penelope picked out for it’s girl name. I have learned some things about Penelope/Louie. She/he is much more receptive to new foods if it is chopped up into small bits and strewed across the table. He also likes to eat off of peoples plates. He has eaten popcorn, mashed potatoes, lettuce, kale, nuts, and a lot of other things. He likes to be rubbed on the back of his head, will tolerate petting on his back, but if you pet him on his chest when he isn’t in an amiable mood, you risk getting nipped. He likes playing with toys outside of his cage, but inside his cage, he ignores them. If he is up to late, he gets grumpy, and doesn’t tolerate petting very well. He also will bend his head down, asking to be petted on his head. I can put a bird leash on him and take him outside pretty easily, and he nibbles at the leash and doesn’t bite me. He isn’t fond of baths yet, but he will take them if I put him in the water. Overall, I am really enjoying him.











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