My Cake


Mom had to go shopping, Joseph was asleep, Landon was in the bathtub, and the other kids were outside. I was all alone. On the spur of the moment, I decided to bake a cake. I went onto the internet, got a recipe, checked whether we had all the ingredients, and set to work. We had just enough cocoa powder for a chocolate cake. I set to work. When the kids came inside, Johnathan commented, “I smell hot chocolate.” Then he put on the face that to him says, ‘You’re hiding something, and I know what it is.’ “Did you make hot chocolate?” He asked. “You have a goofy nose.” I giggled. “Being in the cold must have made your nose smell things.” With a little more persuasion, I got them to go downstairs, and I finished baking the cake. When Mom came home, she declared, “Something smells good.” I then presented the cake to her. That night everyone had some. Everyone, including Dad, thought it was excellent, even without frosting! It is the first good homemade cake I have ever made, and it won’t be my last.




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