Wednesday I got bottom braces and they hurt worse than the top braces! Forunately, I have a special kind of wire called nickel-titanum that loosens when it gets cold. So a vanilla malt helps the pain. (It must be vanilla, my favorite kind). Icy water will also help, but malts and such other treats are thicker and helps it more. Seriously though, I would rather have had that delicious fall-apart roast Mom made for dinner than the malt, although I can’t make my siblings see that.
Dear Sarah,
I’m sorry the braces caused so much discomfort…offer it up. : )
On another note, any sweet pea blooms?
We received another 4 tenths inch of rain this morning. I am working 5 days this week. One of the big washers is out of order, so the laundry goes slow.
Take care.
Love, Grandma